Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression


Evolving Self Confidence:
How to Become Free From Anxiety Disorders and Depression

Unique Help for GAD, OCD, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, PTSD, Severe Depression and more...

Anxiety Disorders and Being scared

This best-selling book from Help-For offers a totally new explanation for anxiety-related problems and how to deal with them. With insight not found in other books, it gets beneath the anxiety and panic, obsessions and compulsions, irrational fears and phobias, even severe depression to reveal what lies at the very heart of these problems and shows how to use this knowledge to heal them completely and naturally.


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Evolving Self Confidence Healing

Anxiety Definition:-

The Collins English Dictionary describes anxiety as "a state of uneasiness or tension caused by apprehension of possible misfortune, danger etc."

And to be anxious is to be "worried and tense."

Latin anxietas gave anxiety in English; the base is Latin anxius, from angere 'to choke'.



"An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions."

(Medical model definition)

Anxiety disorders are characterized by significant feelings of anxiety and fear.


It takes you on a journey from childhood to adult, through the experiences, thoughts and feelings that can lead to the development of these problems – how they evolve and grow, which disorders develop and why, how we strengthen them and how they become part of us.

And then, the answer... how to turn them around, to evolve and grow through them, beyond them to become stronger and wiser for our experiences... beyond them to become the unique, worthy individual that it is your birthright to be.

Evolving Self Confidence

Based on over 30 years experience and research involving anxiety disorders and depression, this book can help anyone looking to understand and deal wth:-

point  Extreme nervousness & self-consciousness
point  Chronic worrying and 'thinking too much'
point  Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
point  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
point  Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
point  Panic Disorder and PTSD
point  Self-harm and BDD
point  Eating Disorders
point  Specific Phobias
point  Depression
point  A life ruled by shyness or stress

Inside you'll discover:-

Part 1

point  How we start to feel differently about our self and what it means.

point  The importance of self-talk (the precurser to all obsessive thoughts).

point  The true role of genetics (genes are our past not our future).

point  The real effects of anger, guilt and shame.

point  The 'special' feeling that starts it all.

point  The true cause of high anxiety, panic and fear.

point  Why panic attacks affect some people more than others.

point  The link to survival and feelings of lack of control.

point  Why we start to think that we should be 'better' in some way.

point  How this determines the type and severity of our problem.

point  What really happens to our mind and body with anxiety disorders.

Part 2

point  Exactly how people develop anxiety problems, obsessions and compulsions, irrational fears and phobias, even severe depression.

point  The underlying cause of every single symptom that is associated with these problems.

point  Why these problems become so strong and feel too powerful to deal with.

point  How many of the things we do ourselves when trying to deal with these problems actually makes them worse.

point  How other things such as: medication, mis-guided self-help and poor therapy often strengthen them.

Part 3

point  How to use the natural way our mind and body works to weaken and stop these problems for good.

point  The only true way to overcome fearful situations successfully.

point  Practical things to do that will make you feel more positive and in control. These are things anyone can do and will start to alleviate the problem.

point  How to feel really really good about yourself. Doing these things cannot fail to make you feel really good deep inside.

point  How to actually let change happen and not block it.

point  How to live in a state of true self confidence, where anxiety disorders simply cannot exist.



Evolving Self Confidence:
How to Become Free From Anxiety Disorders and Depression



For generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, panic disorder, social phobia, PTSD, severe depression and more (eg. BDD, eating disorders, personality disorders, bipolar) – no matter how severe they may be.

Most Representative Review: You Can Believe This One

I have found Terry Dixon's book `Evolving Self Confidence' a real delight and beautifully pitched. I have suffered anxiety, depression and confidence issues for most of my life and have sought many different resolutions to no avail. I felt myself to be once again going down in my mental state and just through a search engine found this book on Amazon. I ordered it and with shredded nerves started to read it when it arrived. It wasn't brash or bold. It was like being held and being loved. I had an understanding of psychological issues and the physiology and functions of the brain from university. The things I read made sense and were practical but this time they were presented in such a way that it wasn't information anymore. It had become the soothing words of someone that cared; the words were instilled in my mind and my mind believed. This book can make you believe in yourself again. I have always been sceptical and things have very rarely worked for me. I had hypnotherapy that required me to tell myself parrot fashion that I was strong and would be fine to no avail. This book makes YOU believe in you, not another. I guess that why it works and why it feels real, because it is real and the answer is you. You just need to work at it – with its help you'll find no better help.  (Amazon Review)

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