Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression

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Curing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

A New Answer

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is part of being human, we all have it. And to get anxious in certain situations is normal, everyone does. Most people even experience increased anxiety frequently since things like tests, interviews, public speaking, first dates and competitive sports can make anyone pretty anxious.


Evolving Self Confidence Healing

Anxiety Definition:-

The Collins English Dictionary describes anxiety as "a state of uneasiness or tension caused by apprehension of possible misfortune, danger etc."

And to be anxious is to be "worried and tense."

Latin anxietas gave anxiety in English; the base is Latin anxius, from angere 'to choke'.



"An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions."

(Medical model definition)

Anxiety disorders are characterized by significant feelings of anxiety and fear.


But for some of us things change, our anxiety grows stronger. It comes on more and more and seems to happen for no apparent reason.

Suddenly we are more anxious and feel apprehensive and 'on-edge' frequently. Physical symptoms due to anxiety may appear.

Over time, if not resolved, this increased anxiety can lead to more serious problems involving such things as uncontrollable worrying, anxiety attacks or panic attacks that come 'out of the blue', irrational fears and phobias (particularly social phobia), obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours even severe depression.

Another common problem that increased anxiety plays a major part in is PTSD (both combat and non-combat-related).

And there has been no real answer for this. Nothing that truly explains why this happens and how to stop it.

Now, based on the lifetime's work and findings of some of the most brilliant doctors and scientists that ever lived, the efforts of numerous psychologists and therapists, and the experiences of countless sufferers themselves - a new answer has emerged.

One that offers a real cure.

A totally new way to understand anxiety disorders and depression, it shows how to stop them completely and permanently without therapy or medication ... by dealing with the underlying cause.


Let's look at why these problems are so difficult to deal with at the moment and how it's possible to become truly free...

Today, many people are struggling with PTSD.

Some search constantly for reasons and answers.

Others try therapy or medication; diets and supplements; help from others and self-help, only to feel no better than when they first started, or in some cases, even worse.

Many purchase methods or programs claiming to be the answer, only to be let down again.

Nothing seems to work.

One thing is for sure: most of today's treatments aren't working.

Current beliefs about mental illness, genetics, chemical imbalances, or physical brain problems as being the cause of social phobia are wrong. And treatments based on these beliefs are failing millions of people looking for a cure.

For they miss the REAL cause and never deal with it at all.

They're based on the medical model of illness which sees anxiety disorders and depression as something going wrong (in the brain) and the answer lies in 'fixing' the thing that has gone wrong – usually with medication.

And they don't even come close to the answer...

Because they ignore the incredible role of the human mind.

Mind Hell

A New Answer

Unfortunately, most of today's theories about what causes anxiety disorders and depression are inaccurate, misleading and overlook the bigger picture – they simply don't reflect what really happens to us.

Indeed, there is a vast amount of research that actually proves the current ideas and theories about genetics, chemical imbalances etc. are wrong.

Take, for example, the Nobel Prize-winning research on genetics by Barbara McClintock. Here, she showed that, far from being fixed, DNA can actually change due to experience. Genes can change, they are our past not our future. ... We need not be slaves to our genes!

As you know, we don't simply wake up one day with PTSD. It develops slowly, usually after a number of traumatic experiences.

Few of us, if any, had issues with trauma-related nightmares and flashbacks as a child. It's usually just the opposite. Yet something happens that turns the confidence we had as children into anxiety. Something happens to us that takes away our confidence and fills us with insecurity. So much insecurity that anxiety (our self-protection system) kicks in.

And it isn't a defective gene, or an imbalance of chemicals in the brain (the neurotransmitters Serotonin and Dopamine are usually the ones blamed) or that our brains are somehow different from other people's.

... It's a whole series of experiences, learning, feelings, thoughts and behaviours that set the ball rolling towards insecurity and fear.

Far from being a mystery, the development of anxiety disorders follows a logical psychological progression and we can map out what happens every step of the way.

Not diseases, disorders or mental illness, these problems involve natural survival instincts common to us all – normal self-protective thoughts, feelings and behaviours that become over-sensitive and intensified, grossly exaggerated and out of control.

They develop when we experience too many (or too severe) stressful, negative life issues and events... ones that make us feel weak and vulnerable.

With PTSD, it's not always single awful events (such as those experienced in military conflict or when physically attacked) that does the damage, and can be frequent, less severe yet regular, consistently negative experiences that slowly chip away our confidence and leave us feeling insecure and vulnerable.

Afraid to be Myself

In essence, PTSD comes from our inner-self trying to protect us when life has made us afraid. And it starts, strengthens and grows from our mind's attempts to explain and resolve the intangible fear we feel inside.




'Evolving Self Confidence: How to Become Free From Anxiety Disorders and Depression' represents a breakthrough in understanding and curing anxiety-related problems and disorders.

Truly unique – it reveals, for the first time, how negative life experiences and the way they make us think and feel, can combine with deep-down survival instincts to cause excessive and intangible anxiety. And how this can lead to a myriad of problems and disorders (including depression).

Far from being mental or physical (brain) illness, caused by genetics or chemical imbalances in the brain, you'll discover just what these problems really are and how to use this knowledge to stop them completely.

And you won't have to fight any symptoms at all. (A struggle that actually makes the real problem worse since it never touches the underlying cause, and as the symptoms continue the feelings of insecurity and anxiety simply increase.)

For when you remove the cause the symptoms disappear.

This is the difference between curing and merely coping.

Inside, you will discover:-

bluearr How stress, conflict, guilt, anger, shame and the voice in our head that tells us "you can't" and "you are not good enough" interact to make us feel insecure.

bluearr How these feelings of insecurity strengthen to become something more, taking on a very different form that sensitizes us to danger.

bluearr How this increased sensitivity to threat and danger causes a greater anxiety to 'kick-in' and become 'ever-present' in order to protect us.

bluearr The way this constant anxiety can build up and up to cause anxiety disorders and severe depression.

bluearr How to use this knowledge to stop even the strongest anxiety or depression problem.

And this isn't just speculation or guesswork.

These ideas are supported by some of the most important research ever carried out in the fields of medicine, psychiatry and psychology. From the classic experiments on conditioning by Pavlov and the development of fears by Mineka through to Barlow's research on anxiety disorders today – a new understanding emerges.

... One that offers a real cure.

Combining unique insight into the cause of these problems with some of the most successful elements of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, this is no superficial method to relieve mild anxiety, but a tried and tested solution for long-standing, deep-rooted anxiety and depression problems.

So powerful is the information in this book that many therapists recommend it.

quotemarkstart  As a practitioner I have recommended this book to many of my clients - it is both well written, accessible, very well researched and informative - no jargon, easy to read, and helpful. I am so glad to have discovered this very helpful book. I recommend it to anyone who wants to overcome anxieties and increase their self confidence. quotemarkend   ...Mrs. A Boden  Hypnotherapist

Some believe it should be used for the on-going training of accredited therapists as part of their continued personal development (CPD).

(CPD – Continuous education and training for professional therapists and counsellors to help them stay updated about new advances in understanding and treatments.)

  I am a qualified psychotherapeutic counsellor and want to support the messages within this book. Mr Dixon clearly 'knows his stuff', and it is refreshing to see that he tackles the issues of anxiety, phobias, OCD and depression in such a thorough and empathetic way. This really is a 'must read' book for those who find themselves suffering, and also for counsellors continued personal development (CPD). I for one have put this book onto my preferred booklist for clients to read. I believe this useful publication will find it's rightful place among the important books in these matters. quotemarkend   ...R. Sealy  Dip.Couns

Knowing the cause of your problem really does change things.

A great weight lifts from your shoulders when you realise that you are not dealing with some strange powerful problem that has no answer or cure.

But this is only the beginning...

Anxiety problems become so powerful because we cannot control them.

The trembling, sweating and dizziness, the worrying thoughts and fears – all appear driven from somewhere deep within. They are hard to understand and even harder to control.

Now, in 'Evolving Self Confidence', you will learn exactly what is happening to you and why.

... All the symptoms, thoughts, feelings and behaviours are explained in such detail that the mystery is removed.

Here's just a glimpse into some of the insight you'll gain:-

black square Every year, thousands of people with racing hearts visit hospital emergency departments fearing a heart attack, only to be told that it's due to an anxiety or panic attack.

Why does our heart speed up so?

... Anxiety and panic prepare us to deal with danger, either to fight or run away (the 'fight-or-flight' response). The heart beats faster to pump oxygen (fuel) more quickly to the major muscle groups (arms, legs, chest) to provide them with an energy boost for fighting or fleeing. The greater the danger, the quicker we need energy to take action so the faster the heart pumps.

This is also why our breathing becomes shallow and fast, to take oxygen in more quickly.

Other physical symptoms such as: feeling shaky and on-edge, trembling, nausea, sweating, dizziness etc. can also be explained in relation to the fight-or-flight response.

black square You may be surprised at the number of psychological symptoms associated with anxiety problems. These range from small indicators of insecurity such as: dressing down, failure to maintain eye contact and constantly comparing ourselves to others, through to more severe behaviours, including: avoidance, perfectionism, hypochondria and sexual problems.

However, you'll be even more surprised to discover that one thing drives all of these symptoms.

black square One of the greatest experiments ever performed in Psychology shows us the real reason that anxiety problems get worse over time. Not because they are such powerful problems that they need better treatment or a stronger drug but simply due to the normal way our mind deals with unresolved anxiety.
... Understanding this process alone can stop your problem getting worse.

black square Learn how anxiety problems change and become more severe. How different disorders develop. Why someone gets GAD and another person OCD, or someone develops panic disorder instead of social phobia. Discover the relationship that exists between all anxiety problems and disorders (incl. depression) and what leads to a particular one.

black square There is a good reason why anxiety problems become part of us, an integral part of the way we think and act. Research from the prestigious University College London confirms how this happens and can reassure you that these problems don't mean there is something physically wrong with your brain.

black square Everyone gets depressed at times. Discover those feelings that make the difference between the normal depression most people experience and the unremitting hopelessness and helplessness that characterize the chronic form.

black square Society, the media and religion – all of these things can make anxiety problems worse but there are things we do ourselves, when trying to cope with these problems, that actually make them stronger. When you stop doing these things your problem will start to fade.

black square Why doesn't medication work?
Pills work on a physical level, anxiety problems are psychological and the cure is psychological. Although they have their use for symptom relief, discover why prescription drugs can never be a cure and how long-term medication actually makes the underlying problem worse.

black square Go to any Doctor, Psychiatrist or Psychologist and ask them what causes the swirling, uncontrollable thoughts associated with excessive worrying and obsessions. Chances are they cannot tell you. But there is research with insomniacs (people unable to sleep because of uncontrollable thoughts) that gives us the answer.

black square Why do people with addictions and compulsions have to do things again and again and again, even though it may be hurting them? There is no answer in any current literature ... but you'll find it in 'Evolving Self Confidence'.


Much of the information in this book has never been put down on paper before and reveals answers that many people search a lifetime for but never find.

Written in a relaxed, easy to understand manner, it will give you a whole new outlook on your problem, your life and what the future holds.

quotemarkstart  A really well written book without all the neurological jargon to confuse things. I would highly recommend it. quotemarkend   ...K. M. Kelly

As you read, You'll start to feel more positive about things.

Control shifts from anxiety to you.

quotemarkstart  I don't write a lot of reviews, but I felt compelled to say that this book has had quite a profound effect on me. I have read a number of similar books, but this one has really hit home the control that we could actually have over anxiety and depression if we only understood them (and why they affect us) better. Suffice to say I highly recommend it - please don't suffer any longer, and read this book!  Good luck on your journey. quotemarkend   ....Mr. I. Watson

And you'll receive even more.

Something that's priceless.

Something you can use time and time again to understand other people better.

You will gain a unique insight into the human condition.

... To know why other people think and behave as they do.

... And understand why they criticize, or why they get so angry.

(It can be comforting to know that when someone is angry with us for no good reason that it's usually themselves they are angry with.)

It is an age-old truth, played out generation after generation in theatres and cinemas across the world, one covered by the music and literature of many different cultures ... the weakest people hurt us the most.

But never again will the weakness of others hurt you.

For now you'll deal with people from a position of wisdom and strength.


The first part of this book alone has dramatically improved the lives of many people struggling with anxiety-related problems.

We receive emails from people, not only thanking us for the book, but also expressing amazement that it helped them profoundly, even before they finished reading it!

quotemarkstart  I've just started reading Evolving Self Confidence and I am blown away by it. You describe my circumstances and experiences (childhood etc) EXACTLY, and at last -there's hope for me! Somebody understands! It all made perfect sense as I read it, and suddenly the panic attacks, anxiety and agoraphobia that have plagued me for the last 11 years didn't seem so 'mad' after all. Under the circumstances, it all seemed perfectly understandable. I haven't finished the book yet: I just wanted you to know that I'm finding it to be an amazing help already. I'm a trained counsellor, philosopher, writer and college lecturer - and all that helped me not one bit (in fact, may have hindered me A LOT!) But your book has so far been a God send, so thank you, thank you for writing it. quotemarkend   ...Regards, Julie.

Knowing what is happening and why is truly liberating.

... The blindfold is removed.

... And fear of the unknown vanishes.

Now we can use this insight to get rid of anxiety problems for good.

The Antidote to Anxiety and Depression Problems

In the final part of the book, you'll discover how to become truly free from all unnecessary anxiety and fears.

Using natural mind and body processes that reverse the effects of long-term anxiety and remove the feelings of insecurity, you are guided through simple, effective techniques to:-

1) Stop anxious thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
(No matter how long you've had them).
Discover how to stop fighting the anxiety and 'let go' – the only true way to weaken those anxiety connections in your brain that keep the problem so strong.

2) Turn fear into confidence.
Learn how to do it naturally, as nature intended – the way children do it.

3) Develop strong positive feelings.
Understand lifestyle changes that can induce strong positive feelings deep inside. Performed with the right knowledge, these can relieve anxiety and depression problems better than any pill ever can.

Take for example, Exercise:
Research has shown exercise to be highly beneficial for anxiety. But many people try exercise without success; they try to force it to work and feel more hopeless when it doesn't.

Here's where a little bit of extra knowledge makes all the difference...

Once we better understand anxiety and how it prepares us to take action (to fight or flee) we can see how exercise helps.

With exercise we are doing something. At the level of the inner-self we are actually taking a form of action rather than doing nothing or just worrying about things. This provides a release for the pent up nervous energy in anxiety by using the extra adrenaline it produces.

(With depression we feel that everything we do is hopeless and doomed to fail, so much so that we no longer try. In response to this, our body stops producing energy (that we no longer need) and it's easy to become stuck in a cycle of not being able to do anything and having no energy to even try – When exercising, we are doing something and our body will now start to provide us with more energy naturally).

SO... exercise regularly, don't connect it to your problems at all and you will begin to feel calmer and more positive in general. (Always seek professional guidance before starting any exercise regime)

There are other things, described in the book, that multiply these effects. Again, they work best when you don't connect them to your problem at all.

4) Feel really good about yourself.
With the right knowledge and performed in the correct way, these actions will instil deep feelings of goodness within you and start to dissolve insecurity and self-doubt.

There are a number of methods described in the book. One of the most powerful group of techniques is represented by the acronym HAPPY.

Here, 'H' stands for helping others. When you truly help someone, without expecting anything in return, it cannot fail to make you feel really good about yourself deep inside.

Once again, there are so many natural things you can do (simple things that don't even require you to think about your problem) that can transform how you feel about yourself and start to replace inner anxiety with a deep, strong self-confidence.

quotemarkstart  Based on my personal experiences this unique book's explanation of the cause and cure for anxiety, OCD, and depression is innovative and correct. I am successfully recovering from a forty year long midlevel depression and anxiety disorder and "Evolving Self-Confidence" is guiding my way. This book helped me in a manner more effective, more understandable, more relatable, more articulate, and more precise than any of my experiences with other self-help books, psychiatrists, psychologists, university professors, advising loved ones and friends, presentations and workshops, medications and nutritional supplements, or any other source of treatment. If those suffering from depression, anxiety, and other emotional issues take their condition seriously and they embrace the theories and treatment outlined in "Evolving Self-Confidence" this book will greatly improve their lives. quotemarkend   ...Greg

There are some very good books on anxiety disorders, books that can ease some of the pain. But none of them, not one, gives us the real answer... until now.

No other book available offers the insight you'll find in 'Evolving Self Confidence'.

Nothing explains the cause of these problems and how to cure them like this.

It holds the key to curing even long-term problems and has helped thousands of people, often when all else failed.


Once you own the knowledge in this book and start using the techniques...

Feelings of insecurity will begin to fade:
You'll find yourself 'forgetting' to be anxious and catch yourself not being scared in situations that would have previously caused alarm.

Anxiety won't hold you back:
You'll control it rather than it controlling you.

Your self-confidence will grow:
Real confidence. Not brash, overt confidence, conceit, arrogance or self-grandiosity (which are merely masks that hide the truth) but a deep inner confidence. Accepting and being confident in who you are, secure in the knowledge that you are basically a good and worthwhile human being.

And as you begin to feel more positive about yourself, others will treat you with greater respect.

... You'll become more relaxed and sociable.

... Your relationships will improve.

In fact, virtually every aspect of your life will improve when you approach things with renewed confidence rather than fear.

quotemarkstart  This is the best book in the whole world for anybody with anxiety, depression, phobias. You only need one book and it's this one. I have suffered from anxiety for 15 years. I have been halfway round the world for someone to help me, but to no avail. Then I come across this book. I feel like I have been blessed to find it. I read the book once and felt so happy to be alive, I finally know what's wrong with me and not only that I know to correct it, on my own, without therapy, without drugs. To feel well again, that's the best thing in the world. I would recommend this book to anyone. Don't waste your money on anything else, you only need one book and it's this one. This book tells you what's wrong with you and also how to correct it. Very simple to read, once you start reading you cannot put the book down. Everything makes sense at long last. quotemarkend   ...Isabella

There are no replays in life.

Don't spend any more time suffering or searching.

Try 'Evolving Self Confidence' for yourself ... put it to the test.

quotemarkstart  I've studied various psychological fields extensively. I've also suffered from a number of the anxiety-related problems covered in the book. I have to say that it is well written and researched and is easy to read. Here's the clincher: The advice works. Highly recommended. quotemarkend   ...K. Mckeigue

It has helped many, many people... often when all else failed.

quotemarkstart  I have found Terry Dixon's book `Evolving Self Confidence' a real delight and beautifully pitched. I have suffered anxiety, depression and confidence issues for most of my life and have sought many different resolutions to no avail. I felt myself to be once again going down in my mental state and just through a search engine found this book on Amazon. I ordered it and with shredded nerves started to read it when it arrived. It wasn't brash or bold. It was like being held and being loved. I had an understanding of psychological issues and the physiology and functions of the brain from university. The things I read made sense and were practical but this time they were presented in such a way that it wasn't information anymore. It had become the soothing words of someone that cared; the words were instilled in my mind and my mind believed. This book can make you believe in yourself again. I have always been sceptical and things have very rarely worked for me. I had hypnotherapy that required me to tell myself parrot fashion that I was strong and would be fine to no avail. This book makes YOU believe in you, not another. I guess that why it works and why it feels real, because it is real and the answer is you. You just need to work at it with its help - you'll find no better help; Thank you Terry. quotemarkend   ...C. Mills

Evolving Self Confidence

Anxiety Disorders Depression Book

How to Become Free From
Anxiety Disorders and Depression


Evolving Self Confidence:
How to Become Free From Anxiety Disorders and Depression



For generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, panic disorder, social phobia, PTSD, severe depression and more (eg. BDD, eating disorders, personality disorders, bipolar) – no matter how severe they may be.

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