It is possible to become free from any anxiety problem completely (including long-term disorders and severe depression) but change can be
frightening. The lack of control and apprehension it involves can be disorientating and anxiety-provoking to almost
Bear in mind that our anxiety problem/disorder developed to protect us. It's our suit of armour, protecting us from a greater fear, so giving it
up is scary.
Actually, most things we learn in life are initially frightening; things such as: learning to ride a bike, learning to drive a car and take, for example, learning to swim. Most
children, and some adults, go from being petrified of venturing into open water, clinging desperately to the side (a perfectly logical reaction since at the beginning they
have no control and could drown) to being able to jump and dive in the water, swim underwater, tread water and swim wherever they want.
Learning to swim involves learning what to do to be in control and confidence grows as the feelings of control grow.
And so it is for anxiety-related problems.
Once we understand why we have the problem and how to control it (through acceptance) the path to freedom awaits.
Again, it's not easy (nothing worth having in life is) – but it most definitely can be done.
Character cannot be developed in ease and
quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and success
... Helen Keller
In this world of profit-driven, success-orientated goals of false materialistic happiness the incidence of feelings of 'not being good enough',
anxiety and depression can only increase and yet in, one sense, it is those people that have experienced these problems that reflect the truly good human
Soul-searching and introspection can lead to an understanding of our own behaviour and that of others, acceptance of our own 'faults' and those of others and an
appreciation of the effect of our behaviour on other people. Without doubt, if the excessive anxiety, panic and despair could be reduced for sufferers of these
problems society would benefit greatly.
If you are struggling with any form of anxiety problem and feel 'weak' and 'inadequate' – know this...
You are not weak but strong. How many people could have endured what you have?
Remember also, you're not alone. Think of all the other people who are going through the same as you. If you do this you can
be sure that someone is thinking of you.
It can be difficult to be happy or have something to smile about
when we have a long-term anxiety-related problem and a sorrowful
expression can, in itself, help strengthen the effects of anxiety and
despair. (We all feel better when we are laughing).
Try this:- Imagine a big grin on your forehead (just imagine it - don't
try and make your forehead smile).
You should feel the corners of your lips raise ever so slightly.
Try it a number of times (3 or 4 times) throughout the day.