Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression

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Free Anxiety Symptoms eBook

A speeding heart, rapid breathing, feeling dizzy or sick, trembling, sweating and worrying too much – these well-recognised signs of anxiety make us feel bad, and they're supposed to, in order to keep us away from harm.

However, they feel even worse when we cannot understand them or control them.

Anxiety Symptoms: What's Happening and Why

This book explains what is happening (and why) to our mind and body as we experience anxiety symptoms – knowledge that can reduce much of their power.

Symptoms covered include:-

•  Heart Paplitations
•  Hyperventilating (breathing too fast)
•  Dizziness
•  Excessive Sweating
•  Nausea and Needing the Toilet
•  Trembling and Shaking
•  Worrying too much

It is completely free to read on-screen, download and read later or print out. No email address or any other details are required to get a copy – simply choose the version you would like.


Book Details:
•  21 page pdf - view on all devices
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    Free Anxiety Symptoms eBook

Anxiety Definition:-

The Collins English Dictionary describes anxiety as "a state of uneasiness or tension caused by apprehension of possible misfortune, danger etc."

And to be anxious is to be "worried and tense."

Latin anxietas gave anxiety in English; the base is Latin anxius, from angere 'to choke'.

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