Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression

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Anxiety Problems, Anxiety Disorders and Depression

The Start of the Problem


The day our experiences result in extreme anxiety or a panic attack about which we become acutely aware... from that day on, our life changes.


The Start of it All
The Problem
The Symptoms
The Answer
It Can Be Done


Nervousness, Anxiety, Panic
Anxiety Medication
Anxiety Self-Help


Help for Anxiety Books

Free Anxiety eBooks


More Resources:
Anxiety & Depression
Assoc. of America

The Royal College of
Psychiatrists (UK)


From that day on our subconscious takes over in a way that we previously didn't need it. We become driven to find reasons and answers, compelled to constantly watch ourselves – on the look out for failure – and forced to concentrate on all of our bad qualities and weaknesses rather than anything about us that is good.

From that day on we are driven to behave in ways that make us angry or scared, despairing and frustrated, ways that make us more anxious... ways we believe help to protect us.


Generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder, phobias (social phobias, agoraphobia and many specific ones), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and many forms of depression seem just too powerful to deal with when we don't understand them and feel that they control us.

However, much of the power they have over us is the power we, ourselves, give them – in the way we think about these problems and how we feel about our self for having them.

Yet once we learn the true nature of anxiety-related problems and how they work we can successfully deal with them, for in the same way they develop and grow, they can be weakened and stopped.


When we look at the backgrounds of large numbers of people with anxiety and depression problems, they are often strikingly similar in various ways. Negative life experiences and feelings of low self worth and insecurity occur across the board with such regularity and are so similar that it's hard to see how they cannot possibly play a major role in these problems.

... Yet in the search for a cure this is almost always overlooked.

Vast resources, in the form of research, therapy and medication, have been used in an attempt to resolve these problems, with, on the whole, a spectacular lack of success.

Problems are defined, named, classified, listed, ordered and placed in categories in an attempt to understand and control them. (Strangely enough, exactly the same attempts to gain control through ordering are found in most forms of OCD).

And while some argue that the benefits of this system include a more accurate diagnosis and subsequent better treatment (which is debatable given such a lack of success) others argue that it is inaccurate, misleading and overlooks the bigger picture.

That is what this website is about ... the bigger picture.


Hopefully, it will help you to understand a little more about the true nature of anxiety-related problems and help you to realise that there is a real answer.

If you feel that what it says relates to you, and, more importantly, to the way you feel... then the answer to your problem is within your reach.

So let's take a closer look at these problems – what they are, why they affect us the way they do, and what can be done about them...

›› The Problem








Self Help PDFs

|   The Start   | ›› |   The Problem   |   The Symptoms   |   The Answer   |   It Can Be Done   |



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