Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression

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Anxiety Disorders: Mental Illness or Normal?

Something Just Went Wrong...

Anxiety Disorders and Being scared

Generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), PTSD, panic disorder...

The current worldview of these problems is driven by the medical model and the belief that they are (mental) illnesses caused by something going wrong in the brain and that the answer lies in 'fixing' the thing that has gone wrong.


Evolving Self Confidence Healing

Anxiety Definition:-

The Collins English Dictionary describes anxiety as "a state of uneasiness or tension caused by apprehension of possible misfortune, danger etc."

And to be anxious is to be "worried and tense."

Latin anxietas gave anxiety in English; the base is Latin anxius, from angere 'to choke'.



"An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions."

(Medical model definition)

Anxiety disorders are characterized by significant feelings of anxiety and fear.



Take the middle-aged woman, (emotionally fragile from early life stress and conflict), who suffers emotional abuse at the hands of her partner – abuse that not only scares her but also makes her feel that she cannot do anything right, and that everything she does fails miserably or is totally worthless. Is her generalized anxiety disorder (or severe depression for that matter) simply the result of something going wrong in her brain that can be fixed by medication?

... or is there a better explanation?

And a better solution?


'Anxiety Disorders: Mental Illness or Normal?' takes a fresh look at anxiety disorders through the lens of human evolution and survival and reveals how 'trying to protect our self' from an onslaught of negative life experiences can explain the develoment of many of those anxiety problems classed as 'disorders' and 'mental illness' today.

In PART 1, we consider anxiety as the survival instinct it is – what is it, why do we have it and how does it work? Learn what all the anxiety symptoms mean and why we get them. This knowledge alone can reduce much of their power.

PART 2 describes anxiety disorders in relation to the dominant worldview (the medical model) and shows how they are defined and diagnosed.
Importantly, we'll also explore the medications that are used to treat these problems (based on this belief) and explain what they do to our mind and body in trying to stop anxiety. Get all the information you need to weigh up the benefits and risks accurately.

PART 3 offers a much better explanation for anxiety disorders – one which reflects real life experience. Don't be consigned to a life feeling helpless and hopeless over some 'awful illness that very little can be done about'. There is a better answer.



Anxiety Disorders: Mental Illness or Normal?



A small, easy-to-read book to help change self-defeating attitudes and beliefs about anxiety disorders and take the first step towards recovery.


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If you would like to read the full book, it comes in kindle and eReader formats (and can also be read on any device) for £0.99   more details







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