Help for Anxiety, Phobias, OCD and Depression


Herbs and Teas that Can Promote Calmness

Chamomile Tea
Valerian Root

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea

One of the most amazing properties of chamomile tea is its ability to help us relax. Drinking it when we feel stressed or anxious can calm us down and millions of people drink the tea just before bedtime to promote a good night's sleep.


Anxiety Definition:-

The Collins English Dictionary describes anxiety as "a state of uneasiness or tension caused by apprehension of possible misfortune, danger etc."

And to be anxious is to be "worried and tense."

Latin anxietas gave anxiety in English; the base is Latin anxius, from angere 'to choke'.


Anxiety Symptoms
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The Tea Talk


Chamomile, a herb that comes from a flowering plant of the daisy family, has many medicinal properties. It is an anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant and anti-microbial and teas made from both its fresh and dried flowers have been used as a healing drink for centuries.

It is extremely safe for the majority of people although it can cause an allergic reaction in some. Those who suffer from allergies, hayfever and asthma should check whether they can use it.

Some people don't like the taste but this is easily remedied by adding a teaspoon of honey. And as relaxer when we are stressed or a promoter of a good night's sleep, chamomile tea is the perfect choice for many.

Chamomile tea is known to help with:-

• Anxiety and Panic
• Stress
• Insomnia
• Menstrual Cramps
• Stomach Problems
• Ulcers
• Twitchy Muscles
• Wounds and Burns
• Eczema and Psoriasis

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Valerian Root


Valerian has been used as a medicinal herb since the times of ancient Greece and Rome. A dietary supplement prepared from the roots of the plant, valerian root has been shown to have sedative and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties.

Valerian root helps to calm the nervous system and its tranquilizing effects have made it one of the most popular supplements for various ailments.

For years it has been used to relieve anxiety and stress and as an aid to sleep. The calming effect of Valerian on the nervous system helps to reduce pain which can help with such things as muscle pains and headaches.

Valerian Root And Anxiety

Valerian contains Valerenic acid which has been shown to alleviate anxiety however its effect varies from person to person.

Valerian Root Side Effects

Valerian root is generally safe and non addictive. Clinical studies with over 12000 people, lasting up to 28 days have reported safe use for medicinal purposes. However long-term safety has not been assessed.

Common side effects include: dizziness, itchiness, dry mouth and upset stomach. As with any herb, care should be taken by those who suffer from allergies.

Occasional use to alleviate the problems mentioned works well for many people but always seek appropriate professional advice before using supplements as part of any long-term diet regime.

Valerian Root is known to help with:-

• Anxiety
• Insomnia
• Depression
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Menstrual Pains
• Muscle and Joint Pain
• Irritibility
• Shakiness
• Headache


Help for Anxiety...

For unique information to help deal with anxiety, check out these free eBooks:-

• Anxiety Symptoms: What's Happening and Why
• Anxiety Medications: How They Work to Stop Anxiety... The Benefits and Risks
• The Cause of Anxiety Disorders... As a Child


They're totally free to read on-screen, download and read later or print out – no personal information required  ›› more details





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